On Fri, 2021-04-16 at 16:15 +0000, Campbell, Lance wrote: > I would love to see an enhancement to PostgreSQL where administrators had some way to reorder the fields in their tables. > > Why is this a big deal? > The one issue that causes me the most grief is the readability of tables. When you manage 17 services > where you are continually tweaking the system you find the tables are very unreadable. > New fields are continually added to the bottom of tables. They are just not readable. There is a misconception here. Database tables are not designed for human consumption. If you want to present your table data in a readable format, you need a front end application. Arranging table columns is the job of such a tool. If you want to do it in the database, use a view. Simple views that just reorder the columns are updatable, so you could just use those instead of the underlying tables in your statements. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com