Hi We got a postgresql server with a very small database ( ~few Mo) and do a extract with a ruby (sequel) client. If I do the extract on the same server the speed is correct (10-30 sec) If I do the extract on the same LAN the speed is correct. (10-30 sec) If I do the extract from the wan the speed goes from slow to ultra-slow (reach the TTL and sometime the connection are close) (1 minutes -> 8 minutes) When this happen I try to see if they are some bandwith problem, and they don't have any bandwith problem ( ~10-20Mbytes/s 120-180Mbits/s), the size of the extraction (with tcpdump) are small (~2Mo). I also check the fragmentation of the tcp flow, when I'm on the wan they are x2 packets so I can understand they are slower than over the LAN but I can see how it's possible to go 50-60x slower. Any idea ? ....or solution ? Regards -- Albert SHIH Observatoire de Paris France xmpp: jas@xxxxxxxx Heure local/Local time: Fri 11 Oct 2019 04:27:48 PM CEST