On 20-Sep-2019/19:09 +0300, Ertan Küçükoğlu <ertan.kucukoglu@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >My main usage is to see select results. I have used zenity and a shell script for this. The script uses zenity to present a list of databases. The script assumes you do not need credentials to connect to the database. You could specify a connection string if username/password credentials are needed. After selecting a database, a zenity text input dialog is displayed so that you can enter a command. The script uses psql to run the command, with the --html option to output to an HTML file. It then uses xdg-open to launch your default HTML viewer with the file. My browser opens a new tab every time, but I can live with that. The script redisplays the zenity text input box after each command, until you select the Cancel button, use the Escape key, or close the zenity window. It does not check syntax, and it does not report errors. It only provides a quick way to run queries and get the results in a browser. Let me know if you're interested. -- Anthony E. Greene <mailto:agreene@xxxxxxxxx>