On 20.09.19 15:03, Ertan Küçükoğlu wrote:
I am looking for a tool other than pgAdmin3 for Raspberry Pi running on
Debian 10 Buster. I need basic things like create user, run SQL on tables,
view structure of a table.
pgAdmin3 is barely running and raising a lot of errors. pgAdmin4 is not in
"apt" list of applications and I really do not like that I have to run a
browser for it. There are a lot of alternatives for Windows based solution.
I cannot find something for Raspberry Pi.
pgadmin4 is simple to setup
have you ever done anything with python?
Do you feel somehow comfortable with linux?
It would be good to have a free tool though I am willing to pay a small fee
for a tool that will do my basics.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks & regards,
Ertan Küçükoğlu
Robert Rottermann CEO
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