On 8/8/19 7:39 AM, Arni wrote:
On 08/08/2019 14.33, Ron wrote:
On 8/8/19 7:30 AM, Arni wrote:
Thank you for the response.
On 08/08/2019 14.14, Ron wrote:
On 8/8/19 4:04 AM, Arni Kromić wrote:
Maybe there's a bug in clone_schema or it's wants some assumptions
that you aren't fulfilling.
I'm not sure, but clone_schema has been successfully used to create
about 170 new schemas before this...
I also mentioned "or it's wants some assumptions that you aren't
fulfilling" (which can also be considered a bug).
So far I can't identify anything like that. Also considering that it has
worked flawlessly until now and that some other quirks (like PGAdmin's
message) have occured, I believe the culprit might be somewhere else in
the database...
Which is why I suggested, "What if you manually execute the contents
ofclone_schema to generate DDL and then run that DDL?" Then you might find
where the problem is.
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.