On 8/8/19 4:04 AM, Arni Kromić wrote:
We have some weird errors preventing us from using a postgres database.
Software version is PostgreSQL 11.4. on 64-bit Debian Stretch (9.9),
installed from the upstream apt repo.
We're using the clone_schema function from a postgres mailing list
(converted to a procedure now) to create new schemas from a template, and
so far we have created about 170 schemas that way. Now we have encountered
a problem which prevents us from creating new schemas:
CALL clone_schema('klijent_tpl', 'test-2019')
Although this has worked perfectly until now, the call results in this error:
ERROR: relation "test-2019.bc_mob_pr_pnd" does not exist CONTEXT: SQL
statement "COMMENT ON TRIGGER brisi_stavku ON "test-2019".bc_mob_pr_pnd
IS 'Briši stavke ponude prije brisanja zaglavlja ponude'" PL/pgSQL
function clone_schema(text,text,boolean) line 444 at EXECUTE SQL state: 42P01
Just to note that "test-2019" schema doesn't exist, ant the template
schema "klijent_tpl" contains NO relation named bc_mob_pr_pnd nor the
trigger mentioned in the error message. I see that as a clue it references
the wrong schema, obviously one of the existing schemas which DO contain
a table named bc_mob_pr_pnd and a trigger.
Moreover, trying to clone some of the existing schemas also fails:
call clone_schema ('HR16101766338-2018', 'test')
Maybe there's a bug in clone_schema or it's wants some assumptions that you
aren't fulfilling.
What if you manually execute the contents ofclone_schema to generate DDL and
then run that DDL?
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