El 2019-02-25 14:16, Pepe TD Vo escribió:
> I am running script in local host (same db server)
El 2019-02-25 14:16, Pepe TD Vo escribió:
> I am running script in local host (same db server)
Please, Check this:
USERNAME="postgres"; DATABASE="postgres"
"$USERNAME" "$DATABASE" > /tmp/postresp.sql
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "postgres" failed:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
"$DATABASE" > /tmp/postresp.sql
/tmp/postresp.sql: Permiso denegado
"$DATABASE" > /tmp/salvapostgres.backup
> Bach-Nga
> No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for
> their mistakes you will be alone. So judge less, love and forgive
> more.
> To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice though in as much as
> he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward
> appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect
> gentleman (Hermione Gingold)
> **Live simply **Love generously **Care deeply **Speak kindly.
> *** Genuinely rich *** Faithful talent *** Sharing success
> El 2019-02-25 13:48, Pepe TD Vo escribió:
>> Thank you for your information.
>> I saw this document this morning and I did check my pg_hba.conf and
>> for local host and tried to connect to the template1/0 and/or other
>> database with postgres fine without prompting me for the password
>> #psql -d template0 -U postgres
>> template0-#
>> #psql -d template1 -U postgres
>> template1-#
>> #psql -d CIDR -U postgres
>> CIDR-#
>> #psql -d postgres -U postgres
>> postgres-#
>> and a pg_hba.conf:
>> "
>> local all all trust
>> host all all ::1/128 trust
> Look here the IP only connect to localhost. From where Are your
> running
> the script?
>> #allo replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
>> replication privilege
>> local replication all trust
>> host replication all 127..0.1/32 trust
>> host replication all ::1/128 trust
>> the problem is I'm not sure I need to reconfigure pg_hba.conf with
>> database with user postgres or not?
>> When I'm connecting into the each database and the "show
> pg_hba.conf"
>> show nothing.
>> postgres-# show pg_hba.conf
>> postgres-#
>> Bach-Nga
>> No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for
>> their mistakes you will be alone. So judge less, love and forgive
>> more.
>> To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice though in as much
> as
>> he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward
>> appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect
>> gentleman (Hermione Gingold)
>> **Live simply **Love generously **Care deeply **Speak kindly.
>> *** Genuinely rich *** Faithful talent *** Sharing success
>> On Monday, February 25, 2019 12:28 PM, Shreeyansh Dba
>> Hi Pepe,
>> It seems your are using os user for taking the backup.
>> When you run command line commands against the postgres database and
>> they ask for the user and password that is the database user
> postgres
>> and its associated password, so when you do something like: psql -d
>> template1 -U postgres the password you will be prompted for is
>> your_db_user password
>> Now the above also depends on what is set in pg_hba.conf for the
>> various combinations of host, database, user and auth_method.
>> For more information see
>> Thanks & Regards,
> wrote:
>>> good morning Expert DBAs,
>>> I created a script to do backup and I have faced the error of
>>>> Performing globals backup:
>>>> pg_dumpall: could not connect to database "template1":FATAL: Ident
>>>> authentication failed for user "postgres" fro globals backup. As
>>>> same as performing schema-only backups and full backup.
>>>> Performing schema-only backup:
>>>> psql:FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
>>>> the following databases were matched for schema-only backup:
>>>> performing full backup:
>>>> psql:FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
>>> I can run pg_dumpall > postgresdump.sql as postgres user os but
>>> couldn't run from script even the script declared
>>> BACKUP_USER=postgres
>>> If I take the syntax, -H "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" out and the
>>> backup script working fine
>>> ##############################
>>> ##############################
>>> # Optional system user to run backups as. If the user the script
> is
>>> running as doesn't match this
>>> # the script terminates. Leave blank to skip check.
>>> # Optional hostname to adhere to pg_hba policies. Will default to
>>> "localhost" if none specified.
>>> HOSTNAME="hostname"
>>> # Optional username to connect to database as. Will default to
>>> "postgres" if none specified.
>>> USERNAME="postgres"
>>> # This dir will be created if it doesn't exist. This must be
>>> writable by the user the script is
>>> # running as.
>>> BACKUP_DIR=/home/backups/database/postgresql/
>>> # List of strings to match against in database name, separated by
>>> space or comma, for which we only
>>> # wish to keep a backup of the schema, not the data. Any database
>>> names which contain any of these
>>> # values will be considered candidates. (e.g. "system_log" will
>>> match "dev_system_log_2010-01")
>>> # Will produce a custom-format backup if set to "yes"
>>> # Will produce a gzipped plain-format backup if set to "yes"
>>> # Will produce gzipped sql file containing the cluster globals,
> like
>>> users and passwords, if set to "yes"
>>> # Which day to take the weekly backup from (1-7 = Monday-Sunday)
>>> # Number of days to keep daily backups
>>> # How many weeks to keep weekly backups
>>> ######################################
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> ###########################
>>> ####### LOAD CONFIG #######
>>> ###########################
>>> while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
>>> case $1 in
>>> -c)
>>> if [ -r "$2" ]; then
>>> source "$2"
>>> shift 2
>>> else
>>> ${ECHO} "Unreadable config file
>>> \"$2\"" 1>&2
>>> exit 1
>>> fi
>>> ;;
>>> *)
>>> ${ECHO} "Unknown Option \"$1\"" 1>&2
>>> exit 2
>>> ;;
>>> esac
>>> done
>>> if [ $# = 0 ]; then
>>> SCRIPTPATH=$(cd ${0%/*} && pwd -P)
>>> source $SCRIPTPATH/pg_backup.config
>>> fi;
>>> ###########################
>>> #### PRE-BACKUP CHECKS ####
>>> ###########################
>>> # Make sure we're running as the required backup user
>>> if [ "$BACKUP_USER" != "" -a "$(id -un)" != "$BACKUP_USER" ]; then
>>> echo "This script must be run as $BACKUP_USER. Exiting." 1>&2
>>> exit 1;
>>> fi;
>>> ###########################
>>> ###########################
>>> if [ ! $HOSTNAME ]; then
>>> HOSTNAME="localhost"
>>> fi;
>>> if [ ! $USERNAME ]; then
>>> USERNAME="postgres"
>>> fi;
>>> ###########################
>>> #### START THE BACKUPS ####
>>> ###########################
>>> FINAL_BACKUP_DIR=$BACKUP_DIR"`date +\%Y-\%m-\%d`/"
>>> echo "Making backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"
>>> if ! mkdir -p $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR; then
>>> echo "Cannot create backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR. Go
>>> and fix it!" 1>&2
>>> exit 1;
>>> fi;
>>> #######################
>>> #######################
>>> echo -e "\n\nPerforming globals backup"
>>> echo -e "--------------------------------------------\n"
>>> if [ $ENABLE_GLOBALS_BACKUPS = "yes" ]
>>> then
>>> echo "Globals backup"
>>> if ! pg_dumpall -g -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" | gzip >
>>> $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"globals".sql.gz.in_progress; then
>>> echo "[!!ERROR!!] Failed to produce globals backup"
>>> 1>&2
>>> else
>>> mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"globals".sql.gz.in_progress
>>> $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"globals".sql.gz
>>> fi
>>> else
>>> echo "None"
>>> fi
>>> ###########################
>>> ###########################
>>> do
>>> done
>>> SCHEMA_ONLY_QUERY="select datname from pg_database where false
>>> $SCHEMA_ONLY_CLAUSE order by datname;"
>>> echo -e "\n\nPerforming schema-only backups"
>>> echo -e "--------------------------------------------\n"
>>> "$SCHEMA_ONLY_QUERY" postgres`
>>> echo -e "The following databases were matched for schema-only
>>> backup:\n${SCHEMA_ONLY_DB_LIST}\n"
>>> do
>>> echo "Schema-only backup of $DATABASE"
>>> if ! pg_dump -Fp -s -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" "$DATABASE" |
>>> gzip > $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE"_SCHEMA.sql.gz.in_progress; then
>>> echo "[!!ERROR!!] Failed to backup database schema of
>>> $DATABASE" 1>&2
>>> else
>>> mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE"_SCHEMA.sql.gz.in_progress
>>> fi
>>> done
>>> ###########################
>>> ###### FULL BACKUPS #######
>>> ###########################
>>> do
>>> datname !~ '$SCHEMA_ONLY_DB'"
>>> done
>>> FULL_BACKUP_QUERY="select datname from pg_database where not
>>> datistemplate and datallowconn $EXCLUDE_SCHEMA_ONLY_CLAUSE order by
>>> datname;"
>>> echo -e "\n\nPerforming full backups"
>>> echo -e "--------------------------------------------\n"
>>> for DATABASE in `psql -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" -At -c
>>> "$FULL_BACKUP_QUERY" postgres`
>>> do
>>> if [ $ENABLE_PLAIN_BACKUPS = "yes" ]
>>> then
>>> echo "Plain backup of $DATABASE"
>>> if ! pg_dump -Fp -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" "$DATABASE" |
>>> gzip > $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz.in_progress; then
>>> echo "[!!ERROR!!] Failed to produce plain backup
>>> database $DATABASE" 1>&2
>>> else
>>> mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz.in_progress
>>> fi
>>> fi
>>> if [ $ENABLE_CUSTOM_BACKUPS = "yes" ]
>>> then
>>> echo "Custom backup of $DATABASE"
>>> if ! pg_dump -Fc -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" "$DATABASE"
>>> -f $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".custom.in_progress; then
>>> echo "[!!ERROR!!] Failed to produce custom backup
>>> database $DATABASE" 1>&2
>>> else
>>> mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".custom.in_progress
>>> fi
>>> fi
>>> done
>>> echo -e "\nAll database backups complete!"
>>> I'm appreciate if anyone know how to correct this?
>>> thank you.
>>> v/r,
>>> Bach-Nga
>>> No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for
>>> their mistakes you will be alone. So judge less, love and forgive
>>> more.
>>> To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice though in as much
>>> as he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all
>>> outward appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a
>>> perfect gentleman (Hermione Gingold)
>>> **Live simply **Love generously **Care deeply **Speak kindly.
>>> *** Genuinely rich *** Faithful talent *** Sharing success
>> Links:
>> ------