Working with postgres 11 now and trying to use declarative partition for its benefits and ability to update data and move to the proper partition. However, I am running into an issue with the limitation of having to include the partition key as part of the unique constraint.
For example,
I have a table, call it xxx with
account_id, customer_id, date_added and so on ...._
partitioned by range on the date_added.
then a bunch of partition tables with a range.
I want to be able to use insert into xxx on conflict ( account_id, customer_id ) do nothing.
However, since the requirements for a unique index on a partitioned table must include the partition key of date_added, I am kind of stuck.
Is there anyway to create a unique constraint on a partitioned table without using the column it is partitioned by ?
Jorge Torralba
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Jorge Torralba
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