> By default the files are placed into a directory named ".~tmp~" > in each file's destination directory, but if you've specified > the --partial-dir option, that directory will be used instead. > See the comments in the --partial-dir section for a discussion > of how this ".~tmp~" dir will be excluded from the transfer, and > what you can do if you wnat rsync to cleanup old ".~tmp~" dirs > that might be lying around. Conflicts with --inplace and > --append. I stand corrected. It is there. But still: this is a general behaviour of rsync that is independent of most command line options. And yet, "the temporary file" is just an unexplained term that appears in the middle of the description of a (rarely used) option, and the "renamed only after the transfer has completed" part is completely missing. That said, it is just an excuse on my side. I should have figured it out. :-)