On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 7:51 AM, Rob Emery <re-pgsql@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm in the process of rebuilding our postgresql servers onto new
hardware and I'm considering using the postgresql apt repository to
install postgresql rather than using the version included with Debian
Previously I've always used the distributed with debian version, but
I'm curious as to whether most people use postgresql.orgs repo or the
debian distro and their experiences either way.
Any gotchas?
Robert Emery
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The apt repository provided by the PostgreSQL community is used far more often than the default one that comes with Debian in my experience. It provides you access to the latest major version, no matter the version of Debian/Ubuntu you're using. With the time gap between major debian versions, this can be quite long and often runs into the default version being outside the EOL of that postgresql version.