Not exactly certain what you're asking here, but have you tried pointing you're second slave (the one that didn't fail) directly to your existing primary, as opposed to cascading like now. Then, if that works (it may not now as it's been too long out of sync.) just point the newly built slave at the slave that's working.
Sent from my iPad Should I point of replication new slave to same DB?
Lucas On Sunday, 10 January 2016, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx < drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: John, I'd recommend that you'd specify -X s, as just specifying -X or -xiog gives you the default value of fetch rather than stream.
Sorry.. I've understood it wrong. So you'd recommend to re-run the pg_basebackup with --xlog-method=stream ?
I'd hope that could find another way. As the pg_basebackup takes 30h to complete :(