I'd recommend that you'd specify -X s, as just specifying -X or -xiog gives you the default value of fetch rather than stream. Also, from your current WAL directory listing that you just provided, that's indicating that your server's timelines are far different.
Now, you're saying that one system went down, which is why you're trying to do this, but was the first slave that failed? Or did your primary fail? That would possibly explain why the timelines are different. If your primary failed and this standby assumed command, then its timeline would have incremented. So, if you're trying to put this one back as a slave, that's not a really trivial process. You'd have to set the old primary back up a slave to the current primary, and then execute another failover, this time back to your original primary, and then rebuild all the slaves all over.
Just saying, Jay Sent from my iPad
Hi John,
First, when you built the slave server, I'm assuming you used pg_basebackup and if you did, did you specify -X s in your command?
Yep. I ran the pg_basebackup into the new slave from ANOTHER SLAVE... ssh postgres@slave1 'pg_basebackup --pgdata=- --format=tar --label=bb_master --progress --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=replicator --xlog | pv --quiet --rate-limit 100M' | tar -x --no-same-owner
-X = --xlog
On my new Slave, I've got all the wall archives. (The master copies the wal at all the time...) ls /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/wal_archive: 0000000200000C6A0000002D
and not ../wal_archive/0000000400000C68000000C8` not found
../wal_archive/00000005.history` not found
Remember that I'm trying to do a cascading replication (It was working with another slave. But the server went down and I'm trying to set up a new one)
I would suggest, in spite of of the 2TB size, rebuilding the standby servers with a proper pg_basebackup.
I've already ran the pg_basebackup over than once. And I always get the same error... :(
Is there anything else guys? please,, help hehehhe