Sorry I inadvertently hit send too soon on previous:
The 3 -5 OWASP security flaws are:
3. Cross-site scripting
4. Insecure direct object references
5. Security Mis-configuration
I realize most of these issues need to be addressed on an application level. Just wondering if postgres has some guidelines on a database level:
DATABASE: postgres 9.2.12
OS: GNU/Linux x86-64 2.6.32
Any insights appreciated. Thank you
Mark Steben
Database Administrator
@utoRevenue | Autobase
CRM division of Dominion Dealer Solutions
95D Ashley Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
t: 413.327-3045
f: 413.383-9567
Database Administrator
@utoRevenue | Autobase
CRM division of Dominion Dealer Solutions
95D Ashley Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
t: 413.327-3045
f: 413.383-9567