I use potgresSQL 8.5 with replication. The primary host and slave host are not in the same place. The bandwidth between master/host is to 10MB. We need to schedule a switchover and I found a solution to use the minimun of bandwith to rebuild the database slave
I want to know if somebody use similar procedure?
Step 1:
Stop host01 (master)
Stop host01 (master)
Step 2:
Stop host02 (slave) and start it with master configuration.
Step 3:
build replication on host01 (old_master)
Step 4:
Allow connexion on host02 (INSERT, DELETE, SELECT...)
Step 5:
Stop host02 (master)
Step 6:
Stop host01 (slave) and start it with master configuration.
Stop host02 (slave) and start it with master configuration.
Step 3:
build replication on host01 (old_master)
Step 4:
Allow connexion on host02 (INSERT, DELETE, SELECT...)
Step 5:
Stop host02 (master)
Step 6:
Stop host01 (slave) and start it with master configuration.
Step 7:
Build slave on host02 (old_master)
Build slave on host02 (old_master)
Step 8:
Allow connexion on host01 (master)
Allow connexion on host01 (master)
I my case when i build slave host (step 3 and step 4), I use this following command:
rsync -av --rsh=ssh --compress --verbose --progress --exclude base --exclude pg_xlog --exclude pg_log --exclude postgresql.conf --exclude pg_hba.conf --exclude postmaster.pid * IP:/home/PGDDATA
I have add "--excluse base" on rsync.
If it's work it's only for the switchover, not when the master host crash.