We are trying to switch from Oracle 10g to Postgre but I am having few technical issues which I am listing here and I hope someone can help. Server Status: - I am installing “postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe” package on Windows Server 2003 SP2 with 2 LAN Cards - The server is part of a domain and I am installing using the Administrator login - Before installation we have removed completely the AV software Installation: - We have chose the following directories during installation: D:\PostgreSQL\9.0\data - The PG user was created in the domain users with a pw that was accepted - During installation, The locale is English, United States and not to [Default locale] - During installation, starting the database server, this error shows Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly I clicked OK and continue - After installation completion, the service "postgresql-9.0 - PostgreSQL Server 9.0" will fail. It is setup to start Automatically Error 1069: The service did not start due to a login failure. - When checking the service login, I found out the user to be .\postgres so browse for it in the domain and changed it to DOMAIN_NAME\postgres, re-start the service it worked Configuration Problems: 1. In postgresql.conf file when I changed the listen address to one of my LAN card to channel all traffic through it by doing: listen_addresses = '' instead of listen_addresses = '*', re-starting the service will not work, changing the entry back and re-starting the service will not work, changing the entry back and re-start the whole server will work and the service will start 2. In pg_hba.conf I have the following entries: host all all md5 host all all md5 host all all md5 using PGAdmin from the server itself, I created 2 New login Role “1” and “2” , 2 Tablespace “1” and “2” as this D:\tablespace\2 which is next to the PG directory D:\PostgreSQL and had to gave permission to the user: DOMAIN_NAME\postgres to D:\tablespace directory then created the database “1” and “2” with the prospective user as owner and the tablespace Logging from the remote machine with IP: using the user 1, I can see both 1 and 2 dbs however when I changed the pg_hba.conf to host 1 all md5 restarting the service, I can’t login at all. This entry does not work however; these entries will work: host all all md5 host all 1 md5 But still can see all the dbs I need to have each user sees its own DB, how can I do that ** More to follow |