Hi all
Im using postgresql-8.0.3-1.
I need to create a new user in postgresql with password ..But it should not prompt me to get the password ..ie only through command line I've to give the password as input
Steps i had done are as follows
[root@g151 ~]# su postgres -c "createuser -A -d globus"
could not change directory to "/root"
[root@g151 ~]# su globus -c "createdb rftDatabase"
could not change directory to "/root"
Also in /var/lib./pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf I ve added the entry as
host rftDatabase "globus" "" md5
Now when i tried to login to that database I got the following error
[root@g151 ~]# psql -U globus -d rftdatabase
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "globus"
Also with password promt it was prompting password ..But I haven't created the user with password
[root@g151 ~]# psql -U globus -d rftdatabase -W
Is it possible to create any new user in postgresql with password through command line and with no prompt for password.??Is there any option in Postgresql?
Also if I create a new user with su postgres -c "createuser -A -d globus" .Will it set any default password while creating the user ??
Please I need some valuable suggestion s
Thanks /Regards
Project Associate
Anna University