Hi, just thought I ask before I start doing it myself: Has anyone ever written a stored procedure (or any other means) of syncing the sequence to the max # key in the corresponding tables? I'm running a simple script to update table contents between dev and production system, however the script is flawed in the way that it copied the primary key along (it's a simple pg_dump|pg-restore shellscript). It works fine because all rows that are already there just fail for PK violation. In the end I'm ending up with sequences out of sync. So i though a simple little helper that loops over the sequences (information schema), grabs the according table, does a max(key) on the table and sets the sequence to that will do nicely. Anyone written something like that? Thanks UC -- Open Source Solutions 4U, LLC 1618 Kelly St Phone: +1 707 568 3056 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Cell: +1 650 302 2405 United States Fax: +1 707 568 6416