Hello, I have a data file dumped from a pgsql database version 7.1.2. I am having troubles restoring this data to a new database server version 8.1.5. Are there some gotcha's involved, did the format change, or some such? I have used the createdb command to make the basic database. it's when I use the \i option in psql that I see invalid commands, syntax errors, invalid roles, etc. The original file was created with pg_dump -cou. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason Brooks ~ (503) 641-3440 x1861 Direct ~ (503) 924-1861 Email to: jason.brooks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Twiki: http://twiki.wrs.com/do/view/Main/JasonBrooks Senior Systems Administration Analyst Wind River Systems 8905 SW Nimbus ~ Suite 255 Beaverton, Or 97008