and subscribed as Karebac at my other email.
Tomorrow morning, I will unsubscribe her, and subcribe and post only if I have a legitimate ADMIN question, which probably wont be for a long time. Thanks!
Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Oh sorry about posting in the wrong forum. You are perfectly right. How do I navigate to join the novice forum? I will bookmark the link for future reference. Thanks for the explanation. I will post all future questions in the novice forum, once I find out how to join.
Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Philippe Salamawrites:
> Ok, I found something on ROLE, but I am still puzzled on how ROLE differs from USER
Users are the same thing as roles, pretty much. A user is a role with
the LOGIN attribute ... roles with the NOLOGIN attribute correspond to
what we used to call groups. You can find more about that in the docs:
BTW, not to be impolite, but day-zero questions belong on pgsql-novice
not pgsql-admin.
regards, tom lane
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