See this link from PostgreSQL 8.2 official documentation. It clearly describes the details and sitches of the createuser binary. And also, I would recommend using this documentation rather than a book which may (actually will) contain references from older versions. --Imad On 12/10/06, Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Of course now, I am in psql command line, and trying in vain to make the examples work in "Beginning Databasses with POSTGRESQL" by Matthew and Stones. I can type \H and see help I can type \? and read the list that results, of commands I see a prompt template1-# yet when I type at that prompt createuser AHAAAA wait! Light dawns on marblehead. A more careful reading of the textbook reveals that createuser.exe is a program in \program files\postgresql\8.2\bin If I click on that createuser.exe icon in explorer, it prompts me for the name of the new user, the password, are they superuser. If at the dos prompt, in \8.2\bin I type createuser -U postgres -P neil then, it also works, slightly differently than clicking the Icon, and echos something about a new role. But, at least, I surmounted this hurdle, and can make some more progress with the textbook. Hmmm... it tells me to also create a user named rick, who can create databases, but does not have permission to create new users. I am not certain how to do this, since the createuser program does not respond exactly as the book describes Shoaib Mir <shoaibmir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Glad to hear that it worked out good for you :-) Thanks, --------- Shoaib Mir EnterpriseDB ( On 12/10/06, Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Thanks Shoaib. You are perfectly correct! After I installed postgresql, but without installing any odbc driver, I went to MS Access, and found both the ANSI and the Unicode driver. I think I chose ANSI, ... I was able to link to all the tables which the Celko script defined, and I was able to browse the test data in those tables, and yet PG explorer gave some kind of error when I tried to browse, and I could not for the life of me see where PGAdmin allows me to browse tables. > > But, anyway I am making progress, and I have the latest postgresql installed, and MS Access can link to the tables. Thanks, all! > > Shoaib Mir < shoaibmir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Once you have installed PostgreSQL you can now use the ANSI or Unicode ODBC driver from the ODBC driver manager in Windows as it gets installed automatically during installation. > > Thanks, > ---------- > Shoaib Mir > EnterpriseDB ( > > > On 12/10/06, Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx > wrote: > > I just installed 8.2.1 postgresql. Now I want an odbc driver to work on my Dell XP with MS Access. The choices are very confusing. Please advise. I am not a rocket scientist. Thanks! > > > > ________________________________ Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business. > > > > > > ________________________________ Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Yahoo! Answers . > ________________________________ Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.