Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB (
On 12/10/06,
Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Shoaib. You are perfectly correct! After I installed postgresql, but without installing any odbc driver, I went to MS Access, and found both the ANSI and the Unicode driver. I think I chose ANSI, ... I was able to link to all the tables which the Celko script defined, and I was able to browse the test data in those tables, and yet PG explorer gave some kind of error when I tried to browse, and I could not for the life of me see where PGAdmin allows me to browse tables.
But, anyway I am making progress, and I have the latest postgresql installed, and MS Access can link to the tables. Thanks, all!
Shoaib Mir < shoaibmir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Once you have installed PostgreSQL you can now use the ANSI or Unicode ODBC driver from the ODBC driver manager in Windows as it gets installed automatically during installation.
Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB ( 12/10/06, Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:I just installed 8.2.1 postgresql. Now I want an odbc driver to work on my Dell XP with MS Access. The choices are very confusing. Please advise. I am not a rocket scientist. Thanks!
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