I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "starting a standalone
postgres session and using it to recreate your SQL users". Do you mean running initdb on a new data directory and then trying to create new users? I'm fairly certain we already tried that. Since we cannot log into the postgres user at all we can't run createuser. We can start and stop the database but cannot log in with any users. We ran the script in this fashion:
psql -f etc/database_schema_12-13.sql [DSpace database name] -h localhost
The script just contains sql commands to create tables and sequences within the database specified. Again, I don't know much about the template1 database but we did not touch it (that we know of) if it does contain user accounts. I'm
thinking perhaps since the local data directory actually just points to another one which has the real data that psql might have been confused.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 22 Apr 18 2006 data -> /home/local/pgsql/data
drwx------ 10 postgres staff 512 Nov 15 14:10 data
Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Will Cameronwrites:
> We are using (PostgreSQL) 8.0.1 for Solaris. Apparently our
> postgres users were wiped out somehow, for I cannot even log in as
> superuser "postgres". Our pg_hba.conf settings are as loose as possible
> ("trust"). This problem started mid session after we ran a .sql script
> to upgrade a DSpace digital library database within the postgres system.
Better take a closer look at what that script did.
Meanwhile, you can probably get out of this by starting a standalone
postgres session and using it to recreate your SQL users.
regards, tom lane
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