statistics buffer is full

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What does the message 'statistics buffer is full' mean? And if I saw lots of these in my logs what sort of bad things would happen? Presumably this is related to the planner statistics? Would I expect to have bad plans if this happens and how would I resolve it? This is what I found in the source, but I'm not really sure what's going on here:

Part of:

                 * As long as we have buffer space we add the socket to the read
                 * descriptor set.
                if (msg_have <= (int) (PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ - sizeof(PgStat_Msg))
                        FD_SET(pgStatSock, &rfds);
                        maxfd = pgStatSock;
                        overflow = false;
                        if (!overflow)
                                                (errmsg("statistics buffer is full")));
                                overflow = true;

Jeff Frost, Owner 	<jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Frost Consulting, LLC
Phone: 650-780-7908	FAX: 650-649-1954

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