this applies to 7.x only:
raise PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ in /src/include/pgstat.h (i.e. raise 1024 to
Performance drops will go away then (at least in my case here).
Pallav Kalva wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I got this logged in my log file last night on my production database
while doing vacuumdb with analyze option , is this normal ? does it
affect the system anyway ? is there anyway to get rid of these messages ?
2005-05-06 00:31:03 EDT%%% LOG: statistics buffer is full
2005-05-06 00:31:15 EDT%%% LOG: statistics buffer is full
2005-05-06 00:31:15 EDT%%% LOG: statistics buffer is full
2005-05-06 00:31:15 EDT%%% LOG: statistics buffer is full
2005-05-06 00:31:15 EDT%%% LOG: statistics buffer is full
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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