Hi, hope to not be OT. I'm trying to install PostGresql into a virtual sever, I've set the ConnectionName = Console as suggested. In the shell and by using the same shell I start the installer .msi of 8.2.1 verision, but after the third step I get the error "the postgresql installer must be run on the system console, not in a terminal services session". The connection is via IE Browser as simulation of Terminal Services.The operating system is Win 2003. any idea ? thans in advance and best regards Giu -- Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f Sponsor: Crea il tuo sito web dinamico con PHP e MySQL - VideoCorso professionale direttamente nel tuo computer. Trucchi e segreti Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=5142&d=20061101