On Aug 7, 2006, at 10:36 PM, Geoff Parker wrote:
Unfortunately I didn't notice the problem until I saw the logs
today, and by then it was back tor normal.
Is it safe to assume this is abnormal behaviour?
Probably, unless you had a transaction running for 2 days that was
using space in pgsql_tmp. Another possibility would be if you killed
a backend that had stuff in pgsql_tmp and it didn't clean that up for
some reason, but I don't think it should be possible for that to happen.
There's also the remote possibility that a table bloated due to a lot
of rows being updated, and that table later ended up with a bunch of
empty pages at the end of the table, which vacuum then removed.
----- Original Message ----
From: Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Geoff Parker <geoffparkernews@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: pgsql admin <pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] disk usage spike
Geoff Parker <geoffparkernews@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> I have a database with about 155GB of binary data in large
objects and 15GB of data in other tables. In compressed form, it
consumes about 60GB on disk. On friday, the amount of disk usage
increased to 240GB (over a period of 5 minutes), stayed at 240GB
for 2 days, and then returned to 60GB (again over a period of about
5 minutes).
It's impossible to say much with only that amount of information.
If we
knew what part of the database had bloated (table? index? WAL log?) we
could perhaps offer some wisdom. Next time, use "du" and and related
tools to see where the space went.
regards, tom lane
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pervasive Software http://pervasive.com work: 512-231-6117
vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf cell: 512-569-9461