Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB (
On 7/25/06, JieJun Xu <
jiejun83@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for helping. My postgresql DB is actually part of the OME system which stores Image Metadata. The system overview is as following:
So I am actually using the option provided by OME to backup/restore my system.
Part of the backup code in perl is as following:
print " \\_ Backing up postgress database ome\n";
my $dbConf = $environment->DB_conf();
my $dbName = 'ome';
$dbName = $dbConf->{Name} if $dbConf->{Name};
my $flags = '';
$flags .= '-h '.$dbConf->{Host}.' ' if $dbConf->{Host};
$flags .= '-p '.$dbConf->{Port}.' ' if $dbConf->{Port};
$flags .= '-U '.$dbConf->{User}.' ' if $dbConf->{User};
$flags .= '-Fc'; # -F (format).
# -p: use the plain text SQL script file this should be the most portable
# -c: custom archive suitable for input into pg_restore
print STDERR "su $postgress_user -c '".$prog_path{'pg_dump'}." $flags -o $dbName > /tmp/omeDB_backup'\n";
# backup database and watch output from pg_dump
foreach (`su $postgress_user -c '$prog_path{'pg_dump'} $flags -o $dbName > /tmp/omeDB_backup' 2>&1`) {
print STDERR "\nDatabase Backup Failed: $_" and die if $_ =~ /pg_dump/ or $_ =~ /ERROR/ or $_ =~ /FATAL/;
# check the size of omeDB_backup
if (stat("/tmp/omeDB_backup")->size < 1024) {
print STDERR "\nDatabase Backup Failed: /tmp/omeDB_backup is less than 1024 bytes in size \n";
# log version of backup
open (FILEOUT, "> /tmp/OMEmaint") or die "Couldn't open OMEmaint for writing\n";
print FILEOUT "version=$dbAdmin_version\n";
close (FILEOUT);
I will try modify the 'pg_dump' to 'pg_dumpall' and see if it works..
But is it even possible to backup one system and restore it in another? I just don't want to go into a deadend. Many thanks!!
JunOn 7/25/06, Shoaib Mir < shoaibmir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:You can also try using 'pg_dumpall' ( that will take the dump of all the users, groups and databases.
Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDBOn 7/25/06, Paul S <plabrh1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It looks like it's a user configuration issue. I have hit user setup issues
while restoring DB's before and generally I find it useful to create the
Users and/or Groups manually on the new server first before restoring the
DB's whenever I hit problems like that. Try syncing the users manually,
(assuming that there are only a few and that it could be done manually with
some level of ease) and then try restoring again.
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