On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 01:05:59AM +0200, Rafael Martinez wrote: > I work with postgresql every day and I am very happy with it, but this > does not mean I can not see the issues that could be improve to have a > even better open source DBMS. And I think in my humble opinion that > bloated indexes + better upgrade procedures between major releases are > two things that should get improved in the future. FWIW, I don't know of any upgrade procedures for databases that can quickly do an in-place upgrade when underlying file structures change, because ultimately you need to read and write the entire database on-disk. And unless you're going to be real gutsy, you'll also need a good amount of extra storage somewhere, unless you plan on doing this in-place upgrade without any backups. And at that point, you almost might as well just do a dump and reload. Given that, I don't think setting up a temporary Slony cluster to go between major versions is that big a deal. -- Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Pervasive Software http://pervasive.com work: 512-231-6117 vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf cell: 512-569-9461