Jim C. Nasby wrote:
On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 10:39:41AM -0500, Pallav Kalva wrote:
What do you think about this option ? If I just do scp from the
/archives folder, I will be ok and wont copy any partial files at any
time right ?
archive_command = 'cp %p /archives-temp/%f && mv /archives-temp/%f
A simple scp leaves you vulnerable to a WAL file only being partially
copied if a backhoe hits at just the right moment. I believe that
wouldn't be an issue with rsync, since it won't put a file in place
until it's completely transfered. So if you want to use scp, I think
you'd need to scp to a temporary directory, and then do a final move.
Are you talking about scp to a temporary directory and move on a remote
machine ?
The idea with this archive command is to make postgres copy first to
"archive-temp" directory and once the copy of the file is done
completely then move it to "archives" directory on the source machine.
My cronjob then does scp from the archives folder on source machine
regularly to a remote location, this way it never does a scp on a
partial file since files are movied only when it is completely copied.
This way I will never scp a partial file and be sure that copy on the
remote machine is a complete clean copy.
(archive_command = 'cp %p /archives-temp/%f && mv /archives-temp/%f