Hannes Dorbath's cat, on 10/10/2005 12.08, walking on the keyboard wrote:
OK, so you are not using Unicode. I don't know much about the SQL_ASCII
charset, but I expect it to slightly differ from LATIN1. Type
SET client_encoding = LATIN1;
in psql, then SELECT some data containing the chars you have problems
with and see if it is fixed. If not, INSERT a new row with such chars
from psql, SELECT that row again and if the chars look right now, your
other rows are stored invalid in the datebase and you need to convert
them somehow.
The old rows are still displayed in a bad format, the newly inserted one
is instead shown rightly. Also data in pg_dump present wrong strings,
thus any suggestion about how to reconvert already inserted data?
Moreover, the set client_encoding change is permanent or do I have to
configure it in the postgresql.conf file?
Luca Ferrari
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