Thank you Sivakumar.
ExecStatusType PQresultStatus(const PGresult *res);
Will it return code or message.If i want to use this what should be the
return value of my function?
Onemore doubt..
char *PQresultErrorField(const PGresult *res, int fieldcode);
What is the use of this?What is the difference between the previous one and
PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE--If i use this as my fieldcode will it
take care of all my error values.
Sorry for my basic questions.As i am very new to this i
don't know how to handle errors in
Normally we will be defining some errormessages according
to the error codes return by the PQErrorMessage function.
When i am using this even i declare my function as is returning the errormessage.
So..what iam planning is if i have some error codes
returning from any of my postgresql function i can define myown message for that
and i can send it as a return value to the main right!
Please tell me how can i handle this?