Regards, Siva Kumar.K -----Original Message-----
I want to know ,if there is any way to return error codes/numbers as a return value from the postgresql functions. For ex:
If i am using my connection function say, DbConnect(dname,uname,.........) { //here i use postgres connection function pg_conn *conn; conninfo="dbname=example(dname) user=postgres(uname)"; conn=PQConnectdb(conninfo) //After connecting i need to create a table..and if the table exists PQerrormessage(conn) will return error message... But what i need is .. Is there any other way of returning error number to my main program. Can you please tell me how to handle these errors in my application. I referred posgresql site..I didn't get any clear idea of it. Any help please......
Thank you... Regards, Sandhya R