Cris Carampa wrote:
I'm wondering if there is a packaged standalone version of psql.exe for
Windows, or if there is a way to extract only psql.exe and the required
DLLs from a full PostgreSQL Windows installation and copy these files on
another computer. I have to send some scripts to a client which has a
PostgreSQL 7.4 server on a linux box but no linux knowledge, so I wish
he could run my scripts from his Windows PC without forcing him to
install the whole PostgreSQL 8 database.
I'm replying my own post just in case someone needs the same thing. It
seems that the required steps are:
1. performing a PGSQL 8.0 client-only installation on a source computer.
2. creating a new directory on the target computer
3. copying c:\program files\postgresql\8.0\psql.exe, ssleay32.dll,
libpq.dll, libeay32.dll, libintl-2.dll, libiconv-2.dll from the source
computer to the new directory on the target computer.
4. done. It seems to work :)
Thank you. Kind regards,