On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 06:39:50PM +0100, Nikolay Pelov wrote: > Yes, FreeBSD uses its own (re)implementation of PAM since version 3.2. > To solve your problem, just remove '-ldl' from all Makefile's and > configure* and recompile. Which reminds me that '-ldl' should also no longer be necessary on Linux if libpam is properly built! -- Ingo Luetkebohle / ingo@blank.pages.de / 95428014 / | Student of Computational Linguistics & Computer Science; | Fargonauten.DE sysadmin; Gimp Registry maintainer; | FP: 3187 4DEC 47E6 1B1E 6F4F 57D4 CD90 C164 34AD CE5B