Hi again, I've figured it out. My cracklib dict files were from an older version of cracklib. I removed all files installed by cracklib-files and rebuilt it all from source. Seems to work fine now, thanks! John Delisle Corporate Technology Ceridian Canada Ltd 204-975-5909 John_Delisle@ce ridian.ca To: pam-list@redhat.com Sent by: cc: pam-list-admin@ Subject: pam_cracklib segfaults during passwd redhat.com 2001/02/06 11:42 AM Please respond to pam-list Hi everyone, I've got a strange problem. When I run passwd with the following pam config it segfualts for certain passwords. From what I can tell, it's dying during the dictionary check. Can anyone tell me how I could troubleshoot this? Has anyone else seen this? BTW - cracklib,2.7 Linux-PAM-0.74 glibc 2.2 gcc 2.95.2 kernel 2.4.1 Below is a log, with comments in [brackets]. root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# cat passwd #%PAM-1.0 #[For version 1.0 syntax, the above header is optional] # # The PAM configuration file for the `passwd' service # password required /lib/security/pam_cracklib.so type=user retry=3 password required /lib/security/pam_unix.so use_authtok md5 shadow root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# passwd root New user password: [I used potat0 (with a 0 at the end, not an o)] Segmentation fault root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# passwd jdelisle New user password: [used zdc] BAD PASSWORD: it is too short Retype new user password: [used sdfxcv] Sorry, passwords do not match New user password: [used abcdefg] BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic Retype new user password: [used b3kl21m] Sorry, passwords do not match New user password: [used words, helloworld] Segmentation fault root:/etc/pam.d# root:/etc/pam.d# John Delisle Corporate Technology Ceridian Canada Ltd 204-975-5909 _______________________________________________ Pam-list@redhat.com https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pam-list