Hello Annelies, > I search supplementary information about pam_chauthtok because I have developed a module which give the user password to the pam_unix module. For su it's ok but it isn't OK for login and xserver interfaces, please help me !!!!!! I don't understand , I tthink that the PAM_AUTHTOK is setup corrrectly but pam_unix denies access! could you supply some additional info? Especially the configuration for su and login (or whatever else). Maybe your code is alright but the configuration is wrong for some of these programs. If the problem turns out to be somewhat more difficult you should provide a code snippet. The documentation at http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/Linux-PAM-html/pam_modules-3.html#ss3.5 was sufficient for my purposes. (But then: My demands for that function were quite trivial.) Tobias -- Tobias Schaefer Phone 07071-9457-0 science + computing ag FAX 07071-9457-27 Hagellocher Weg 71-75 D-72070 Tuebingen Email: T.Schaefer@science-computing.de WWW: http://www.science-computing.de/