Luis, My answer to your question... The BlueJ/Microsoft issue was the visible tip of the iceberg. The prior art was so blatant and had such visibilty amongst the community that the company had to take action on it. But most applications are below the visibility level for the community (just as an iceberg is mostly below the water line). P2Patent will hopefully get the right people to look at those lower visibility applications and find relevant prior art. Tom On 1/30/07, Luis Villa <luis at> wrote: > Tangent: everyone here should have seen the bluej/microsoft thing that > went on over the weekend; if not, best summary I can find is here: > > > A good question to ask might be- what role would p2patent have played > had it been up and running before this started? I'm really not sure if > it is a great question (given the speed with which that particular > meme moved) but something to ponder, at any rate. >