> And the rule for that is that all code your application uses must be
> signed either by you or by apple. I can include both openSSL dylibs in
> my .app package, and sign all that, but the way libssl loads libcrypto
> seems to not meet those rules - which specifically exclude symlinking
> and which specifically prohibit loading libcrypto without specifying a
> specific version.
Which means you need to build libssl in such a way that it depends
explicitly on the corresponding versioned build of libcrypto. That is
you'll need to tweak the Darwin Configuration template to specify some
additional linker options or other relevant settings.
sigh. Apparently I will. Far outside my experience, and sounds like a maintenance
This is not an Apple Developer community, you're perhaps better off
asking on an Apple forum, this is not an OpenSSL issue.
well. yes, and no. I agree it's sure not a core openSSL issue. But surely lots
of people want to use openSSL in cross platform apps and openSSL is interested
in adoption issues?
Perhaps someone has done that for MacOS, but they might not be reading
this list...
evidently not, though i sure hoped. Anyway, it looks like I now have to figure
out how to maintain a custom build of openSSL :-(