I'm trying to get my application that uses openSSL 1.1 running on OSX. I've installed them using homebrew, but I can't get past Apple's gates around blocking use of openSSL. I've copied both dylibs into my app /Contents/MacOS folder, and signed both of them, and I load them from the that location, but OSX still blocks loading.
It actually blocks loading libssl.1.1.dylib, with a message about libcrypto - presumably libssl has a non-version dependence on libcrypto that OSX is blocking?
There's various write-ups about how to get an app that uses openSSL through notarization, but they're not working for me - my app will sometimes work under the debugger and sometimes when I run it directly, but never after notarization (with a hardened run-time). Do I need to do something different when libssl.1.1 is built? Or am I on the wrong track here?
Apple advice is to use something proprietary to OSX, but that's really not practical for a cross-platform app with extensive dependencies on openSSL
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http://www.healthintersections.com.au / grahame@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / +61 411 867 065
Benson & Grieve: Principles of Health Interoperability (Health Information Technology Standards), 4th ed - http://www.springer.com/978-3-030-56882-5