Anyone have any advice on Elliptic Curve?
Thanks in advance.
From: openssl-users <openssl-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Jason Schultz <jetson23@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2020 2:58 AM To: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Questions about using Elliptic Curve ciphers in OpenSSL I’m somewhat confused as to what I need to do to use ECDHE ciphers (ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, etc). I’m hoping this list can help, or at least point me to a good tutorial somewhere. A lot of the information I’ve looked at is from the following links:
I’m only looking at getting something set up for testing for now; I have a self-signed certificate and a private key. Here is the certificate, with some info stripped (I didn’t create it so I don’t have the exact commands used):
Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: e7:64:34:3c:f2:b4:f5:cc Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issuer: C=US, ST=MyState, L=City, O=Org, OU=Dept, CN=MyCN/emailAddress=me@xxxxxxxxxxx Validity Not Before: Jan 29 20:11:44 2020 GMT Not After : Jan 28 20:11:44 2021 GMT Subject: C=US, ST= MyState, L=City, O=Org, OU=Dept, CN=MyCN/emailAddress=me@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey Public-Key: (256 bit) pub: 04:1f:07:e7:ea:09:b4:94:3e:a9:0b:c4:c6:d2:65: 31:db:4c:9c:33:9c:cd:fb:bd:f8:b1:0e:8e:69:5c: 74:cd:8d:98:0c:67:09:fb:1d:01:9f:f6:88:d4:02: 89:9d:66:78:ff:ce:34:09:e7:05:cc:63:1f:53:07: 58:68:82:a4:3e ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: DA:B7:A7:5A:16:85:40:61:36:D7:37:5E:AF:BE:E4:90:80:05:C7:FA X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:DA:B7:A7:5A:16:85:40:61:36:D7:37:5E:AF:BE:E4:90:80:05:C7:FA
X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:TRUE Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:bc:9c:cb:f1:ca:30:24:d3:7e:86:b4:d4:6f: f6:5a:3c:ab:c2:8d:24:b5:bc:03:b2:f9:55:74:0d:5d:cc:2c: 11:02:20:56:f8:05:4d:88:e6:35:ab:7b:db:01:02:1c:3d:ae: ab:5d:5a:86:61:5b:e5:2d:1a:3f:4d:bf:5b:ea:12:c2:50
I also didn’t generate the private key, but I’ll dump some info on it here, again to make sure it looks OK. It’s also part of the equation that I’m not 100% sure about (if my private key is set up correctly). This is a non-production key, used only for initial testing:
---:/etc/ssl # openssl ec -in private/mykey.pem -text read EC key Private-Key: (256 bit) priv: 00:96:f8:5b:9d:a3:fb:3d:27:de:01:75:54:0f:51: 69:38:d1:8f:2d:62:19:80:67:14:4a:da:1e:b5:d8: 57:8f:e8 pub: 04:1f:07:e7:ea:09:b4:94:3e:a9:0b:c4:c6:d2:65: 31:db:4c:9c:33:9c:cd:fb:bd:f8:b1:0e:8e:69:5c: 74:cd:8d:98:0c:67:09:fb:1d:01:9f:f6:88:d4:02: 89:9d:66:78:ff:ce:34:09:e7:05:cc:63:1f:53:07: 58:68:82:a4:3e ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 writing EC key -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEIJb4W52j+z0n3gF1VA9RaTjRjy1iGYBnFEraHrXYV4/ooAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAEHwfn6gm0lD6pC8TG0mUx20ycM5zN+734sQ6OaVx0zY2YDGcJ+x0B n/aI1AKJnWZ4/840CecFzGMfUwdYaIKkPg== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
---:/etc/ssl # openssl ec -in private/mykey.pem -text -param_out read EC key Private-Key: (256 bit) priv: 00:96:f8:5b:9d:a3:fb:3d:27:de:01:75:54:0f:51: 69:38:d1:8f:2d:62:19:80:67:14:4a:da:1e:b5:d8: 57:8f:e8 pub: 04:1f:07:e7:ea:09:b4:94:3e:a9:0b:c4:c6:d2:65: 31:db:4c:9c:33:9c:cd:fb:bd:f8:b1:0e:8e:69:5c: 74:cd:8d:98:0c:67:09:fb:1d:01:9f:f6:88:d4:02: 89:9d:66:78:ff:ce:34:09:e7:05:cc:63:1f:53:07: 58:68:82:a4:3e ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 writing EC key -----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- BggqhkjOPQMBBw== -----END EC PARAMETERS-----
For my server code, the setup I use is very similar to if I was using an RSA certificate/key pair; setting up a CTX and calling the appropriate APIs for specifying the private key and certificate. Pseudocode:
ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method());
status = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx,<keyfile>,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); status = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, ,<certfile>,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
// Verify the cert and key are a pair status = SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx);
I do some validation of the certificate, the code for which I’ll skip as I don’t think it’s important here. I also set the protocol version I support with SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version() and call SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list() to set the ciphers the server supports. The ciphers include the following:
Since I’m supporting ECDHE ciphers, I also call the following API, because I need to set the curves I support:
status = SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(ctx, "P-521:P-384:P-256");
Then another API call so the server will select the appropriate curve for the client:
status = SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(ctx, 1);
First question, for the ECDHE_RSA* ciphers, I just need an RSA certificate and key, correct? Nothing else to do here?
Most of my confusion is on the ECDHE_ECDSA* ciphers. Do I need to do anything else in addition to the above to use them? I’ve read about “EC parameters” files (and “ECDHE parameters” files?). Do I need to create another file to read in to support the ECDHE_ECDSA* ciphers? From the second command displaying the private key above, it looks like there are “EC parameters” embedded in the private key. Since I’m not 100% sure how the key was generated, that could be what’s causing my confusion.
Is the code I have above enough, or do I need another file? If so, how is that file generated, and what API do I need to read it in and use it?
Thanks in advance. |