If you want to use the log() from math.h, then you must compile with -lm, eg.: clang source.c -lm
The log() in math.h only supports floating point numbers. If you require computing logarithms of bignums, try https://www.mpfr.org/
On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 6:39 PM Niklas Niere <nniklas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
we are implementing a TLS 1.3 feature into OpenSSL to get an idea of how
well our feature performs in a concrete server library. In the feature,
we want to use the log function.
When we try to use the log function from the math.h header, OpenSSL
won't compile with the statement that 'log' is a reference to an
undefined function. The BigNum library from OpenSSL does also not seem
to offer a log function.
We suspect that the compile error comes from the fact that OpenSSL is
C90 compatible but are unsure. Does anyone know how to compute the
logarithm of a number in OpenSSL?