>> I've been happily using the Shining Light 32-bit binaries with both
>> openssl 1.0 and 1.1 and mingw.
a) Where can we download OpenSSL binaries (x64) for Windows built with MinGW?
[ https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html ]
b) D:\Temp-Apps\OpenSSL-Win64\bin>openssl version -a
OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019
built on: Wed Feb 27 02:30:51 2019 UTC
platform: VC-WIN64A
options: bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(long) idea(int) blowfish(ptr)
OPENSSLDIR: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\SSL"
ENGINESDIR: "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\lib\engines-1_1"
Seeding source: os-specific
+ Paths seem to be hardcoded
c) D:\Temp-Apps\OpenSSL-Win64\bin>openssl engine capi -v -t -post list_containers
6840:error:25078067:DSO support routines:win32_load:could not load the shared library:crypto\dso\dso_win32.c:107:filename(C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\lib\engines-1_1\capi.dll)
6840:error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could not load the shared library:crypto\dso\dso_lib.c:162:
6840:error:260B6084:engine routines:dynamic_load:dso not found:crypto\engine\eng_dyn.c:414:
6840:error:2606A074:engine routines:ENGINE_by_id:no such engine:crypto\engine\eng_list.c:334:id=capi
>> On a new machine, I tried the 64-bit binaries. However, they're
>> missing the openssl/lib/mingw directory where the .a files resided.
> Getting back to this:
> I tried mingw linking against these > "c:/program files/openssl64/lib/libcrypto.lib" > "c:/program files/openssl64/lib/libssl.lib" > but the gcc linker failed to find the openssl functions. > Anyone have any ideas? > openssl.exe version -a
OpenSSL 1.1.1a 20 Nov 2018
built on: Sat Feb 23 14:32:38 2019 UTC
platform: mingw64
options: bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(long) idea(int) blowfish(ptr)
compiler: gcc.exe -m64 -DWINVER=0x0501 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0501 -DPTW32_STATIC_LIB -D__CLEANUP_C -m64 -O2 -pipe -mms-bitfields -fno-builtin -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -DL_ENDIAN -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT
-D_WIN32_IE=0x0501 -DPTW32_STATIC_LIB -D__CLEANUP_C -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DOPENSSL_SSL_CLIENT_ENGINE_AUTO=capi -DOPENSSL_CAPIENG_DIALOG -m64 -pipe -mms-bitfields -fno-builtin -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -D_MT -DZLIB -DNDEBUG -I/mingw/include
ENGINESDIR: "\OpenSSL\lib\engines-1_1"
Seeding source: os-specific
> openssl engine
(rdrand) Intel RDRAND engine
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
(padlock) VIA PadLock (no-RNG, no-ACE)
(capi) CryptoAPI ENGINE
@Ken: this seems to be a quite old thread, but if you need either the include files or the .a files
or both, we could email them to you.