Currently down here in the land down under, the Telecommunication and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018, is currently under going scrutiny via the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.
FooCrypt put forward a brief submission to the P.J.C.I.S. on the 17th of October, 2018 and is now working on an addendum that will be submitted to the P.J.C.I.S. on the 26th of Novenmeber, 2018. [ ]
If any members of this community wish to also provide information for a inclusion in the FooCrypt addendum via an attachment or a case study, please do so by close of business, 23rd of November, 2018 AEST, so that a summarized overview of the attachments / case studies can be performed prior to submission.
Please note that it is the intent to provide the information in an ‘as is’ state from what we receive via email.
Please provide a pdf document containing the information you wish to pass onto the P.J.C.I.S.
Each pdf document will be summarized as a simple table of index.
Author : Date : Location : Document Number : MD5 Checksum
Obfuscation of any identifiable details is acceptable in your submission.
Mark A. Lane