On 05/11/18 23:58, Thomas Schmiedl wrote:
I use xupnpd2-mediaserver (http://xupnpd.org/xupnpd2_en.html) on my router to display HLS-streams on my TV.
Some HLS-streams require a https-connection. I contacted the xupnpd2-author several times but I didn't get a reply. Since some
days, he published the source (https://github.com/clark15b/xupnpd2).
I'm not a developer, but I hope that someone in this mailinglist could integrate the OpenSSL/https-support to the xupnpd2 source.
I hate to be blunt, but
1) really, wrong forum to ask: the openssl users list is not a place to ask for "please add OpenSSL support to XXX"
2) when I look at the sources for xupnpd2, it already *HAS* openssl support - simply rebuild it to get openssl support
3) you are not mentioning anything about the OS of your TV - most likely you will need to set up a special build environment to
build apps for your TV. Again, this would not be the right forum to ask for support on that.
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