i'm trying to figure out why BIO_do_connect is failing with a negative value. so far as i know i've done all preliminaries correctly, but apparently i've missed something. i am dumping the SSL errors from ERR_get_error but am not getting any in this instance. OpenSSL version is 1.1.0h Ubuntu 18.04 running in a VM on a Mac Mini. the network is setup in bridged adapter mode so that the VM has a distinct IP address from the host. i have used nmap to verify that i can reach the target server and that the port the server is listening on is open. the owner of the server assures me that his app is up and listening. i have verified with both wireshark and by looking at the logs on the server i'm trying to reach that no actual traffic went out. the following is output from the test run. note that i print out the values of IP and port using BIO_get_conn_hostname and BIO_get_conn_port to insure that i did all the processing correctly. TLS method obtained TLS context established NTS: options and ALPN protos set NTS: remote peer bio created NTS: remote peer hostname set to '' NTS: server port set to '443' NTS: ssl bio obtained NTS: ciphers set 16 Oct 13:15:39 ntpd[4439]: failed to connect to server here is the code which is failing: struct tls_connection* nts_tls_connect( struct peer *peer){ long result; struct tls_connection* connection = malloc( sizeof (struct tls_connection)); connection->sock = -1; connection->ctx = NULL; connection->remote_peer = NULL; connection->ssl = NULL; connection->ke_buffer = malloc( MAX_KE_RESPONSE); const SSL_METHOD* method = TLSv1_2_client_method(); if( method == NULL){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "Failed to obtain TLS 1.2 method from OpenSSL"); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("TLS method obtained\n")); connection->ctx = SSL_CTX_new( method); if( connection->ctx == NULL){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "Failed to establish TLS context"); dprintf_ssl_error(); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("TLS context established\n")); // verification turned off for proof of concept // SSL_CTX_set_verify( connection->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL); // SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth( connection->ctx, 4); const long flags = SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 | SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION; SSL_CTX_set_options( connection->ctx, flags); result = SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos( connection->ctx, alpn_ntske, sizeof( alpn_ntske)); if( result != 0){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to set ALPN protos"); dprintf_ssl_error(); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("NTS: options and ALPN protos set\n")); // verification turned off for hackathon // SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations... connection->remote_peer = BIO_new_ssl_connect( connection->ctx); if( connection->remote_peer == NULL){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to create remote_peer BIO chain"); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("NTS: remote peer bio created\n")); if( peer->hostname != NULL){ result = BIO_set_conn_hostname( connection->remote_peer, peer->hostname); } else { char *addr = address_string( &peer->srcadr); result = BIO_set_conn_hostname( connection->remote_peer,addr); free( addr); } if( result != 1){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to set remote peer hostname"); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("NTS: remote peer hostname set to \'%s\'\n", BIO_get_conn_hostname( connection->remote_peer))); result = BIO_set_conn_port( connection->remote_peer, NTS_KE_PORT); if( result != 1){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to set server port"); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("NTS: server port set to \'%s\'\n", BIO_get_conn_port( connection->remote_peer))); BIO_get_ssl( connection->remote_peer, &connection->ssl); if( connection->ssl == NULL){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to get SSL from BIO"); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("NTS: ssl bio obtained\n")); const char* PREFERRED_CIPHERS = "HIGH:AES256:AES128"; result = SSL_set_cipher_list( connection->ssl, PREFERRED_CIPHERS); if( result != 1){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to set cipher list"); dprintf_ssl_error(); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } DPRINTF( 1, ("NTS: ciphers set\n")); /* connection->evbase = event_base_new(); struct buffer_event *bev = bufferevent_openssl_socket_new( connection->evbase, -1, connection->ssl, BUFFEREVENT_SSL_CONNECTING, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE); */ result = BIO_do_connect( connection->remote_peer); if( result <= 0){ msyslog( LOG_ERR, "failed to connect to server"); dprintf_ssl_error(); free_tls_connection( connection); return NULL; } -- openssl-users mailing list To unsubscribe: https://mta.openssl.org/mailman/listinfo/openssl-users