Hello, when verifying a signed email with CMS_verify() the verification failed. That is not the main problem. My problem is that the out data is empty. Using the library I got following error: OpenSSL Error code all: <772382878d> OpenSSL Error code lib: <46d> OpenSSL Error code func: <154d> OpenSSL Error code reason: <158d> OpenSSL Error: error:2E09A09E:CMS routines:CMS_SignerInfo_verify_content:verification failure The mail body is base64 encoded. When verifying the email on console with "openssl cms -verify" there is no message output, only the error message : Verification failure 47883249174256:error:04091068:rsa routines:INT_RSA_VERIFY:bad signature:rsa_sign.c:278: 47883249174256:error:2E09809E:CMS routines:CMS_SignerInfo_verify:verification failure:cms_sd.c:775: Any hints are welcome Best regards RudyAC -- Sent from: http://openssl.6102.n7.nabble.com/OpenSSL-User-f3.html -- openssl-users mailing list To unsubscribe: https://mta.openssl.org/mailman/listinfo/openssl-users