Hi, Our win32 applications will sometimes fail to start due to a fingerprint mismatch in the fips module. It appears this is caused by the fixed baseaddr used to verify the checksum. We are building with the /FIXED and /DYNAMICBASE:NO options. The User Guide states: "The standard OpenSSL build with the fips option will use a base address for libeay32.dll of 0xFB00000 by default. This value was chosen because it is unlikely to conflict with other dynamically loaded libraries. In the event of a clash with another dynamically loaded library which will trigger runtime relocation of libeay32.dll, the integrity check will fail with the error FIPS_R_FINGERPRINT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_NONPIC_RELOCATED A base address conflict can be resolved by shuffling the other DLLs or re-compiling OpenSSL with an alternative base address specified with the --with-baseaddr= option." How is 0xFB00000 unlikely to conflict with other DLLs? How would an application select a base address that is less likely to have a conflict? Or, how can an application realistically shuffle the other DLLs? FWIW, the applications load many other DLLs and some are .NET applications. One train of thought is to load the OpenSSL DLL early on, but in some cases that is not practical such as a .NET application. As a side note, the issue appears more frequently when the application is loaded through Visual Studio (not a real world scenario). Thanks, Zeke