Ok, whith few modifications to fipsld++ i can now link to libcrypto.so and libcrypto.a and applications are working correctly, but mine problem still persists because if i would like to dlopen my shared library compiled with static libcrypto.a and i'll try to run fips mode from that library i get an error: 755413103 which, i have read, means that library has an incorect digest and verification has failed. Now i found that fips_premain_dso is used to generate/get this digest from library but it does not generate or even does not output anything and it does not matter if it is linux/QNX or whatever platform it is. Maybe i'm using it wrong but could anubody tell me how to use this fips_premain_dso? I'm using it like that: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/where/my/lib/is fips_premain_dso mylib.so And that does not output anything. Dnia 2015-04-02, czw o godzinie 08:58 +0200, Piotr ?obacz pisze: > Yeah i have tried with it and modified it. But mine problem is that i am > cross-compiling. I have used incore to generate digest and it works with > qcc and i386-pc-nto-qnx6.4.0-gcc. But with i386-pc-nto-qnx6.4.0-g++ and > QCC which is for c++ it does not work it generates bad digest. What is a > problem because i have to use a machine with qnx to run the compiled > code to get the proper digest and than recompile with it, what actually > works because i've tested it. > > Dnia 2015-04-02, czw o godzinie 02:34 -0400, Jeffrey Walton pisze: > > On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 2:19 AM, Piotr ?obacz <piotr.lobacz at radmor.com.pl> wrote: > > > Ok finally my app is working and compiled with c++ compiler but the > > > problem persist because elf incore is bad for QNX apps compiled with g++ > > > or QCC compiler. It generates bad digest. Even incore2 generates bad > > > digest, and i dunno why that happens. Any suggestions? > > > > You might try fipsld++ > > (https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Fipsld_and_C%2B%2B). Its for > > handling C++ compilers. > > > > I'm not sure why the various symbols are not exported with extern "C". > > > > I don't recall trying it with a cross compile, though. It may work, it > > may not work. Either way, it may give you some ideas. > > > > Jeff > -- ________________________________________________________________________ Piotr ?obacz Biuro System?w i Oprogramowania RADMOR S.A. tel. (58) 6996 929 e-mail: piotr.lobacz at radmor.com.pl www.radmor.com.pl RADMOR S.A., ul. Hutnicza 3, 81-212 Gdynia NIP: 586-010-21-39 REGON: 190432077 KRS: 0000074029 (S?d Rejonowy Gda?sk-P??noc w Gda?sku) Kapita? zak?adowy wp?acony: 9 282 830 PLN