> We have signed data on Win 7 using Crypto APIs and generated signature. We > have observed this signature data needs to be reversed for verification > using OpenSSL. If we reverse signature data and pass it to OpenSSL > verification command then OpenSSL verifies it successfully. We wanted to > confirm, whether such reversing of signature bytes is valid operation or > not. Thanks in advance. > As Tom said, reversing the bytes is quite common when interop'ing with MS CAPI. See, for example, http://www.google.com/search?q=ms+capi+reverse+bytes. For the longest time, it was the only library I was aware that you had to be mindful of the endian issues. Poly1305 is now a similar island. Crypto++'s Integer class recently modified to take the little endian strings and byte arrays for testing straight from Bernstein's parameters. Jeff