Hi Team, There is a possible issue in openvpn or vpnc-script, that makes life of Mac users not as great as it could be. If that can be resolved somehow, it would definitely be great! Thank you in advance, == Description of the Issue == 1. Connect to VPN 2. Close the laptop, making it go sleep 3. Open laptop, make it wake up 4. Connection to VPN will be down, but "utun" device and routes through it will be there. *** Reconnect attempt to VPN will fail, because routes are already present. Until you manually clean them up with ?sudo route -n flush? command *** The only things that can help are rebooting computer or issuing route -n flush command (multiple times), and reconnection to the network. == Specifications == ? Version: 1.5.x ? Platform: Mac OS X == Other Information == Can provide more details upon request if needed, and if you would say what exactly is needed :)